尋找旅行新意義 Rediscovering the meaning of travel
香港人生活急促,一向喜歡快閃遊。有沒有想過旅行其實可以駐足停留,加深認識?同理建世界讓一班來自不同背景的年青人到異國深度遊,為村民「建」造房屋,「建」立與當地人的連繫,同時「見」世界、「見」自己,經歷不一樣的旅行體驗。究竟這個旅程有多特別? 立即去片!
想親身體驗? 即上 http://travelforgood.voltra.org/
Has travel become ‘just another trip’ or can it still be a life-changing experience? In World As One, we brought along a diverse group of young Hong Kong people to find the answers for themselves. Going as volunteers, they came to know Cambodia, the local community, and even themselves - all from very different angles. Watch the highlight below to see what they have found.
Do you want a different travel experience too? Check it out: http://travelforgood.voltra.org/